readymix concrete


spill x

when my dog bit me I said ouch

parrot x
happy happy x
bog larch x
foot pound x
hamburger x
exothermic x
molybdenite x
plagioclase x
rapakivi texture x
runnn x
slant x
angus is painting the seashore x
jin x
shari x
taxus x
that idiot broke my branch x
spill (again) x
puke x
no red x
flicker fillum x
scratch x
phenomenology isn't funny really when you think of it she said and left x
i confess x
wollen socks x
magmatic action x
fossiliferous shale x
don't fall down x
smoke x
bass x
older than this x
ha ha ha x
sheep x
floppy x
wolves attacking innocent puppies x
tattoo x
rotating depots x
mackerel x
fishing in the minch with hector who is now dead x