Winners! Save the GIF on the left and put it on your page! |
We are ready to publicly announce the winners and to confess that we haven't found an individual 1000$ page this year. But we are happy to award several personal sites with smaller sums. In the last few days we contacted the winners, asked them for a thank you speech and managed to meet some of them to pass along the cash, to celebrate and to document the improvised award ceremonies.
For the love to the web, on the web and without the web.
With warmest wishes for your life together!
Thank you speech
North London, 27th November 2004
(1)Art.Teleportacia owner Olia Lialina (on the right) gives 300$ to Paul and Emma.
(2)First fight.
(3)Modest celebration.
For the rich multimedia welcome message and ongoing experimentation with the navigation of the personal site.
And good luck finding a job.
Thank you speech
For blinking motion.
Thank you speech
For a personal approach to travel reports.
Thank you speech
Thank you
Life achievement award (equal to 65$ this year)
To Eugene Gorny for his writings on the virtual self, self representation online and his enormous contribution to the development of Russian Internet culture, well documented on his personal home page.
Thank you speech
Oxford, 28th November 2004
(1)Art.Teleportacia copy editor James Allan (on the left) brings an envelope with cash. (2)Envelope accepted. (3)The winner looks for the best perspective to document the grand moment.
Honorable mentions (5$ each)
For going through love and hate relations with the personal web page issue.
And the rest 10$
we would like to pass to
for his beautiful song Steph
It was on heavy rotation in the art.teleportacia office for the last few months.
Art.Teleportacia invites Locky and Lektrogirl to be in the jury for the next year contest.
Other jury members will be announced early Februar 2005.
with love and respect,
jury 2004
15.10.04 deadline
So this is the last short review for the 1000$ Page Contest '04. In the end of November we will award the winner(s). Next year, in spring we will start 1000$ Page II. 1002$ Page Contest if we get funding. And if it will make sense. We are not pessimistic, but last week we got several entries that made us feel useless.
There was also a person who submitted his site, but he writes there that it is not recommended to call it a home page. As if it is a bad word. Is it?
These guys seem to be ironic about the idea of personal web page as well.
Due to some promotion in the Russian segment of LiveJournal last week we got a lot of sites from Russia, Ukraine and even Latvia. For example:
Many Russian personal web pages are hosted at narod.ru. It is probably the slowest server in the world. Check the sites to remember the connection speed of 1995.
These are crazy pages, but you should know the language (Russian of course ) to appreciate them.
Because we can read Russian we got to know that Petrov washes his child in washing mashine.
Because we can read English we got to know that Scotty hates blondes.
Here language is not that important.
Russian and English are required to go through the rich archives this music journalist's personal page.
Some not-russian participants of the week
Please welcome as well: scientist, animated GIF J, and experienced consultant and analyst for User Interface, Usability, Information Architecture, Human Computer Interaction.
Stay in touch, ol
It was a nice week. First of all Locquy (You remember Locquy? She submitted her link two months ago.) suggested to us a page she accidentaly found while looking for recepies. Star background! Animated gifs! Holiday photos! Recepies! Everything is there.
Then we got two sites with the greeting "Welcome to my home page". Fortunatly polite people still exist and make their home pages.
It is a gothic chess book by Dragon and Bane, unfortunatly we could not find anything more about them.
Sky Frostenson has been working on his complex site for a few years
Patrick Gruban makes his personal home page since 1995. Here you can see the most up to date version. He says that it is at least the 5th regeneration of his e-home.
Please welcome: Personal homepage for an Associate Professor in communication studies at Northern Illinois University, USA. And Hanni
there are two weeks till deadline, ol
One could wonder why on the site of photographer John Jarrell is placed a link to US Marine? Though the answer is easy: it is his personal site and he puts there links to whatever he likes.
This site is suspitious. We suspect it is not a personal homepage at all, but more a brand promotion, however obviously it wants to look as a very private home page.
Emanuale and Linda are designers.
Valerij is a rocker.
Chris started this website as a way of keeping in touch with his parents and showing them what he was doing whilst he was working overseas in Canada.
it is a real pleasure to address u almost every week, ol
Very often we look at the pages you sent and don't see you there. Your work, your papers, graphics and sounds and links are present, but not a single word about yourself. Are you making your pages for the people who already know you good enough?
For us, the members of the jury, it is very important to come to a personal home page and to learn something about a person.
- priorov.narod.ru
Mikhail Priorov is an artist with a broad range of interests. He is well-versed in music and poetry as well as painting. He plays saxophone in a jazz-group and, in his work, often uses musical and poetic imagery.
- panoramix.ift.uni.wroc.pl/~maq/eng/
I'm 24 years old (born 02.06.1980), and I study Computational Physics at University of Wroclaw (Poland). I am interested in numerical solutions of physics laws, computer simulations - classic and quantum mechanics, waves, automata cells. My biggest project is Fluid v1.3 - incompressible Navier-Stokes equations solver.
- galeb.etf.bg.ac.yu/~aandreja/
I live in Cremona, it is a nice, old italian city. I am a PhD student in computer-music applications, and a multimedia artist. I like classical music, literature and walking. I am from Belgrade, Yugoslavia (now Serbia and Montenegro), where I lived until february 2003, when I moved to Italy for my studies. Living in Italy is a great fun.
Sites in Hungarian
A designer from Parma and an artist born in Louisville
Two more hobby pages. Russian Sailing Ships and Aircrafts of the World War II
On the server phab.sf.ukrtel.net, next to the aviation site, we found several personal sites. We guess these are the first tries to make a website, very simpatico. Russian only.
A great page was submitted by Mom With a Knife. In the comments she writes: "I'm an older, retired, woman, self taught on computers, and this is my first and only web site. It has taken me 6 weeks of frustration to do it. I still work on it, and have left two pages to expand, including one for my family. I hope you like it." We really do. Especially Santas and animated gifs.
deadline is getting closer, ol
Recently the son of a hungarian wood-turner submitted a site he made for his father. Pages for parents could be an important chapter in our competition. Have you ever made a page for your mom or dad? Your grand parents? You should hurry. Otherwise they will do it themselves.
Here comes the English home page of a Russian Internet researcher. He is very cool. He puts his LiveJournal in an iframe. Yes! Blogs should know their place.
Very interesting pages of very special people from very different places
We would like to congratulate Sandy with her new book.
Our small collection of evil and anti-evil sites.
Five home pages in spanish.
till september, ol
Last week we were invited to the wedding page of Emma and Paul.
Wedding pages are the best pages on the web. They are joyfull and full of love. (But only when they are made by the couple themselves and not by a wedding service agency)
Dave sent the right URL of his blog at Myspace.com and we stopped to work to see the pictures he made in ms paint "while bored at work".
We've also got to know that
Better later than never: our team of designers made a banner for the contest. Don't you want to put it on your page?, ol
In this week we got some entries again.
First these two sites.
Next day two emails with these two URLs
The next applicant asked for your help as well:
"Maybe anyone wants to improve the system, just go ahead and send me an email, I will send the original html, php and javascript files I use - application is almost easy."
This site appeared with the promise to takes you on an adventure
A message from a famous Russian pixel artist with this link inside came completely unexpected.
During a period of some days Dominico Olivero sent to us thousands of his pages. But we've chosen this one.
Of course there was a message from Antoni Abad.
Antony Abad applied every week with the mobile, audiovisual communication network project for the taxi drivers of Mexico City. Now we publish this link.
But if he sends it again we will remove it.
And Kerstin. She is communication design student. It was her semester project to make a home page for herself. And obviously she got the point .
We are not on holidays, ol
This week we got only three entries from only two people. Here they are.
Pierre Ysewijn applied with his personal home page in three languages and video greeting in three languages. Great example of real web video!
Dave submitted the page with his drawings, but we could not see them because he has pasted in URL of myspace.com login page instead of the URL of his page.
Dave was so kind to nominate the page of the 1000$ Page Contest itself. He thinks it is great and we should give 1000$ to ourselves! Dave is obviously the most generous and grateful participant till this moment.
Thank you Dave, thank you Pierre Ysewijn , ol
This week we got only a few enties and were already going to postpone the review for the next week when we suddenly found out that 6 (!) entries went to the junk folders.
And among them the home (the castle) of Forest Elfs and the "very personal web page". We extracted them and brought them here:
Also 4 links were rescued from the trash folder.
Russian designers
Italian designer, artist and blogist
The following urls belong to artists, but they call themselves differently:
"an agency located in prato active in the development of original relation systems"
"the two first hungarian vizual communismists"
"produces in artisan fashion “inform-active” material on current themes"
till next week, o.l.
The following URL was one of the first sent to the 1000$ Page Contest. We found it very funny, but not fitting. Because it is a page of an icecream and not of a person. But now - 2 months later - we think that it does not matter: person, icecream, men, women, chow-chow, net art. who cares. Send to us everything, especially stuff you would not submit anywhere else.
Other pages we got recently.
A note from Greg who submitted the site of the musician Itoura Moussongo: "I love this website, and the song \"Stef\" is the best i\'ve ever heard".
In fact the song's name is Steph, not Stef
Here is a very rich slang collection: aussie-, irish slang-, lunfardo-, jamaican patois-, scottish-, singlish- to russian dictionary.
A very old site. Again in Russian and from 1998.
Thanx to exibart.com for their 1000$ article, ol
When we started 1000$ Page Contest we thought internet inhabitants will flood us with their interest and unpatience. We thought every newspaper in the world will write an article about our generosity and enthusiasm. We were sure that people will make links to our contest. and the word will be spread by these links.
There were only 8 sites sent last week. Last two weeks
Sandy (a painter and illustrator) applied with his own home page and in the next message submitted the page of his father
Carlo sent in a site that does not say anything about him but is entertaining
Amand devided her site into 3 different sites
TXMX is a member of Trash Center Altona
Anthony studies industrial and interaction design
Filip moved to New York City in 1986
Vinchuca makes fun about us
Thank you, ol
You remember that two weeks ago we were wondering about Joseph and Donna? Now after they enriched their website with the category "?" we got to know that they met in Philadelphia while Joseph was studying at The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art and Donna, a student at Temple University, was working at The Academy as an artists' model. And other interesting fact.
But there were new mysterious applications last week that need clarification.
Though some very explicit pages were sent as well.
- desertplanet.com
Retro video games influenced
lo-fi electronic music, chiptune/8-bit influenced music,
pop-culture, b-movies and bad humour
Artists of the week
A hobby (trekking), a blog (photography), a family (both actors)
Not everybody sends pages to win 1000$ only.
Sylvain Duigov submitted his site because he likes our jury member Auriea Harvey. But will she like his home page?...
...To be continued, ol
Last week the Webby Awards announced its nominees for the year 2004. There are Personal Web Sites category as well.
But do they give 1000$ to the winner? Do they make links to all the applications? Are they curious to see your sites?
We are.
Last week we've seen a lot. Though some data was missing:
There was no bio of Heidi on the site of William and Heidi. And the dog is not linked!
On the site of Oksana Fetisova we found a link to her dreams, but there was nothing behind.
And David Mauro has no upcoming shows :(. Book him! He has such a nice site.
What makes us really happy is that people submit not only their own home pages but the sites they like.
Lektrogirl submitted a site of the journalist Charlotte Cooper.
To thank Lektrogirl for this we submit her site. Lets help each over to win 1000$ Page Contest!
This week the legendary hungarian programmer Marton Fernezelyi applied with his classic page created in 1995 and last modified Oktober 20, 1997.
- www.inf.bme.hu/~fmarton
Here s a short interview with Marton Fernezelyi.
o.l: Do u have another home page?
m.f: No
We also got to know that when needed he sends his updated cv by e-mail. This cv is not online.
And we've got 4 Belgian artists this week.
A comic artist from Poland.
An artist without money.
This one probably as well.
A group of artists.
An interesting hobby entry. This person collects everything he found and liked.
An alarming message we've got from a web developer from Georgia, US:
"You must have Flash 5 or better to view this website.
Also, some parts may not work correctly in Netscape 4."
His old personal site is here.
And please welcome: a professor of sculpture who is studying the image generating properties of reflective spheres stacked in 52 degree angle pyramids; a journalist who covered everything from Dutch prisons, organic and transgenic architecture, and HIV relationships to Eco-culture, death in the Asian community and spirituality addicts; and an artist who seeks to unveil what racism and colonialism have suppressed, creating art that documents the post-colonial and neo-colonial experience—art that challenges and empowers.
Looking fwd to the next weeks, ol
Sorry for the delay. There were 1000z links send to us last week. And one of them was
crashing the name server. We did not accept that one and some others.
Another reason for delay: though we asked people to copy and paste their urls, some continue to (mis)type in the form on he right. For example the guy who studied communications science and musicology typed "." after "http" instead of ":", but we were motivated enough to retype.
Very often potential winners sent not a link to a home page but submited one of their art projects. Sometimes we trashed such messages, sometimes we went a folder or two up.
In this case it was not possible.
Long time was needed to decide if we accept pages of design agencies and designers.
I would say let's take only freelancers. But there is no decision yet.
Another time consuming case: a message comes from joseph and donna with a link
to a curious site. But who are joseph and donna? Are these people artists or construction workers?
Is this man in the video joseph or donna?
Search engines were not of any help. On contrary I've found that joseph or/and donna are a part of a crazy web ring which brings you to home pages of other people I've never heard about.
Thanks to announcement on Rhizome.org a bunch of multimedia artists have joined with their virtual ateliers.
Four web logs. Plus four we had in the first week. Total - eight.
Two new hobby pages. This time - spirales and sea horses.
Some applicants need to be quoted.
- davidstill.org
"The more it becomes famous, the more work it gives me. I have a crazy job cleaning the mailbox for the spam, hours per day.. So I could do with a little money. Yes, $1000 would be just fine!
Last year I was nominated for the Webby's. Even if I'd won it, that wouldn't have brought me a cent. It just brought more traffic. More traffic, more work for me. Is that fair? Come on, give me that money!"
- www.dianetheamericanswimmer.com
- www.geocities.com/RainForest/1412
"I was once a teenaged bum. But now I've had a birthday and I've started a web page. This page is definingly aimless, it's mostly for my personal boredom, and I talk to myself like I have an audience anyway."
- www.bn.com.br/gold
"Click the balls to go and return."
A teacher, a band and a filmaker were accepted this week:
And not to forget about Ben and the King of Love:
Tell to your friends about 1000$ Page Contest, ol
P.S If you submitted one of the following URLs, please contact us again to explain how to connect it to our contest.
- http://www.neogejo.com
- http://www3.sympatico.ca/evesham
- http://death2rat.free.fr
- http://www.1-900-870-6235.com
There were not many entries this week. And even less were accepted because commercial and noncommercial projects initiated by commercial and even noncommercial institutions are not appropriate. Please read the guidelines on the right.
Among the competitors now:
an old page of a young designer
cv of a teacher, researcher and designer
amateur net artist home
explicit diary of a network admin, recording Engineer,
dad and husband
A clan applied this week. Read about all their victories and defeats. This is a real virtual life!
Hopefully they won't attack their competitors in the 1000$ Page Contest.
Still most active are electronic music bands and musicians. There are several reasons. First of all they spend a lot of time in front of their computers. Secondly, they really put an effort into web selfpromotion. And we advertised the 1000$ Page Contest on Micromusic.net
keep making web pages and sending them to us, o.l.
A week ago we announced a contest and started to get first entries. Among them are 11 "classics" where people look for a special way to represent themselves:
There were 3 sites about home page culture. And such works are very interesting for us as well:
We've got 4 blogs and blog looking sites. Would be nice to get not more than 4 every week.
1 six years old, not updated anymore page. We like old stuff, but this particular site does not say anothing about the author and is wrong in this contest.
An interesting combination: a wife, a husband, their links to their work and each other. Great that such simple sites exist. We want them. But we will not give 1000$ to a simple site!
Another case. 3 sites made by a designer, but not a person theirself.You will not get 1000$, but we will publish a link to your site. Deal?
And we are really looking forward to get more hobby pages. Like 2 great ones here:
Some nice net art projects were sent in last week, but they were not accepted.
till next week, o.l.
Art.Teleportacia is was calling for personal web site submissions. Please put a link to the page in the form above. You can submit your own page or a page you like.Your own comments are were welcome but not required. Submissions will be were accepted till mid October 2004.
The winner will be announced late autumn 2004. The site and the form of the award ceremony are open and will depend on the location of the winner and political situation this autumn.
During the submission period all the submitted links will appeared on the website. The most interesting links will be were reviewed weekly by jury members.
1000$ prize is made possible by Art.teleportacia's savings and cash contributions from the jury members
Dorothée Gestrich (.de)
She just finished her MA thesis, "Welcome to my Homepage". Her interests range from web-based art and the social aspects of media-based relations to the special form of hospitality found in the context of the Internet.
Kerstin Guenther (.de)
She is the author of Linkhunters, the Real time parasitic web game that preys on the homepages of the unsuspecting.
Auriea Harvey (.com/ .us /.be)
She still codes all her web pages by hand in a text editor and has been making homepages since 1995, that's a really long time! She's married to the winner of the first Form Art competition. Together, they have been entropy8zuper.org for 5 years.
Olia Lialina (.org/ .ru /.de)
She is an animated GIF model, professor and wife of a rock star. Art.teleportacia owner. In the last century her will-n-testament personal home page was nominated for a Webby award.
Natalia Struchkova (.ru)
Her home page was the winner of the Russian Intel Internet Premium 2001 (in the net-art category). The author (together with mr.Parker) of numerous art projects on the net, and in parallel she is an analogue artist and commercial designer.
We look forward to finding some very special personal web sites and some very ordinary ones. It could be a page made in 1993 or 2004. Text only or flash. Registered domain or subdirectory on a free web hosting service. We would like to see and show what's going on, what's cool, what's common, what's forgotten and recovered. The idea is to reward the greatest and exhibit the most interesting works and to attract attention to the private, non-professional web.
We can read Russian, English, German, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Flemish. We may ask for your comments in one of these languages if your page is made in any other language.
If you are a celebrity (like a rock, pop or movie star, an NHL player, a CNN moderator) or just a rich and prominent person - you can still participate in the contest but only if you've made your home site yourself..
Please make a link to this contest and announce it on mailing lists, interested web logs, online and offline mass media.